I always browse this website when I need some inspiration. I do like the web design here.
First of all, the title of this web ( used a symbol(heart)to replace the word "TOP". This design makes it more interesting and conspicuous.
Second, even though the design is very simple here, it is very clarity in structure to help viewer to follow the guide to search. In right side column, you can find where can you upload your pictures; what categories of pictures you want to find, and shows some users you may interested at.
Third, it is very intuitiveness to show what is this web for. This web is a place for people post and collect different kind of pictures. In detail, if you move your mouse to a picture, it will show the user who post this on the top. It is good for viewer who are interested in the other work from same person. This web has highly contrast between the main parts and the background, which can make your eyes stay in the pictures.